A Demon Dayz Guide to: Golgo

A Demon Dayz Guide to: Golgo

Andreas Hijar lives behind a mask and through the spectacles of his art; the artist and illustrator who currently goes by the alias of“Golgo” was born in Mexico City. A collector of imagery, as a self-taught artist he developed a singular style, his influences: a mixture of academic classical art, comic books and futuristic tendencies. His work inhabits a spectrum of reality not lived yet, a fantasy where life and death are presented as instants of a time that may or may have not existed. 

Hijar has a strong connection to his roots, beginning with the admiration towards Mexican wrestlers, a fascination from where the infamous mask that veils his identity came along. Graffiti became a common place; he wanted to explore the ambits of the concept of glorification, the obscure and the divine.  

Hijar is currently travelling nomadically around the world and has set an extension to Black Blood Studio in the US, the space he works from, originally founded in Mexico City. He surrounds himself with the specific symbols, colors and objects that transmute into his paintings, graphics and alternate design work. Always with a hint of the metaphysical, hope, amazement; creations based around characters and themes that surface from distress into a limbo, seemingly catching the tragic beauty of a last breath. 

-Ivonne Alcántara

Golgo will be exhibiting his artwork at Demon Dayz festival and has put his touch on the Luche Libre ring.  

INSTAGRAM: @golgo_dft
WEBSITE: www.blackbloodstudio.com

A Demon Dayz Guide to: Saber

A Demon Dayz Guide to: Saber